Course Details

Course Instructor: Nan Zhang (Office hours by appointment)

Course Website:

Date and Time: Fridays, 13:45-15:15 in C 116 Seminarraum (A 5, 6 Bauteil C)

Course Description

Course Aims: This course will provide students with hands‐on practice in using data from experimental and quasi‐experimental studies to estimate treatment effects. Specifically, the course will provide training in:

The course is designed for MA and PhD students with prior training in applied multivariate regression techniques.

Course Structure: The course is structured in two-week “units.” Typically, the first class meeting of each unit will include a lecture describing a specific method of analysis. Students then apply what they have learned by working together on problem sets outside of class. The second class session of each unit will then be devoted to student presentations of their analyses and Q&A.

Auditing: This is a hands‐on course in statistical analysis. Auditing a class like this without completing the assignments will not be productive for you. Consequently, auditors will not be permitted.

Course Requirements

1. Required Readings. Every two weeks, students should complete a required reading before lecture. These readings provide an applied context for the lecture material, and the lectures themselves will assume that you have completed the reading.

2. Problem sets. Every two weeks, students will complete a problem set based on an analysis of a dataset that I provide. There will be 5 such problem sets in total. Students will work in groups on all the problem sets.

Students should complete their problem sets in R, and problem set answers with clearly annotated code should be written in RMarkdown.

Problem set answers should be submitted to me via email by 8am before the second class meeting in each unit. Each group will then present a solution to part of the problem set during this class meeting.

3. Active class participation. Attendance is expected at all course meetings. Of course, situations could arise where you need to miss class. As a courtesy, please let me (and others in your group) know beforehand if you cannot attend a class session.

In addition to attendance, students are expected to actively participate in class. We will be working intensively with examples in class, and active engagement with the material is essential. Your participation also signals what you find confusing or challenging, such that I can adjust the material accordingly.

4. Graded Final Assignment. The final assignment will consist of an independent original data analysis project applying one of the following methods we learned in class: IV, RDD, DiD, or Matching (or some combination thereof). You must complete this assignment on your own. The last two weeks of the semester will be devoted to workshopping your ideas. You should submit this assignment to me via email by 31 January 2025.

Weekly Schedule

Note: the current version of the syllabus is a work in progress (so some links may not yet work).

Session 1 (6 Sept): Introduction: Why Causal Inference?

Session 2 (13 Sept): Potential Outcomes and Uncertainty
Fundamental problem of causal inference. Randomization and average treatment effects (ATE). Sampling distribution of the ATE. SUTVA. Randomization inference.

Session 3 (20 Sept): Student Presentations

Session 4 (27 Sept): Instrumental Variables One- and two-sided non-compliance. Intent-to-treat effects, compliance rate, and complier average treatment effects. 2SLS estimation. IV assumptions.

Session 5 (4 Oct): Student Presentations

Session 6 (11 Oct): Regression Discontinuity

Session 7 (18 Oct): Student Presentations

Session 8 (25 Oct): Diff-in-Diff

No Class: 1 November (All Saints’ Day)

Session 9 (8 Nov): Student Presentations

Session 10 (15 Nov): Matching

Session 11 (22 Nov): Student Presentations

Sessions 12 and 13 (29 Nov and 6 Dec): Workshop Final Paper Ideas