Course Details

Course Instructor: Nan Zhang (Office hours by appointment)

Course Website:

Date and Time: Wednesdays 10:15 - 11:45 in W 114 Seminarraum (Schloss Westflügel)

Course Description

The course introduces students to data visualization techniques for comparative politics using the R programming language. The goal of this course is to equip the students with the necessary skills to (i) prepare data sets for empirical analysis, (ii) explore and understand patterns and relationships in your data, and (iii) communicate these patterns and findings with effective visualizations.

Course Requirements

Attendance and participation: Class time will consist of a mixture of mini-lectures, hands-on practice with R programming, and group discussion / problem-solving.

The R scripts that we will work with during each session are directly downloadable via this website.

Active, in-class participation is central to your learning process. Of course, situations could arise where you need to miss class. As a courtesy, please let me know beforehand if you cannot attend a class session.

Homeworks / student presentations: the R script for each class will contain short exercises for you to complete at home. I will ask a few (randomly selected) students to present their answers to these exercises at the beginning of the following week’s class.


Towards the end of the semester, you will have to complete a take-home exam consisting of a data analysis project.

The take-home exam (and accompanying dataset) will be handed out on the last day of class (22 May).

Your write-up consisting of an HTML report and the underlying R Markdown file should be emailed to me by 30 June 2024. Failure to submit your take-home exam on time will result in failing the course.

I expect you to complete the take-home exam individually. You must make a written declaration that the work is wholly your own when submitting your answers. Simply put: don’t cheat.

Weekly Schedule

Note: the syllabus is a work in progress so some links may not yet work.

Session 1 (14 Feb): Organizational issues and introduction to R

Session 2 (21 Feb): R Markdown and Data Wrangling

Session 3 (28 Feb): More Data Wrangling

Session 4 (6 March): Getting to know your data: histograms, density plots and dot plots

Session 5 (13 March): Relationships

Session 6 (20 March): Making prettier graphs + Annotations

Easter Break

Session 7 (10 April): Regression 1: Coefficients

Session 8 (17 April): Regression 2: Standard Errors

Session 9 (24 April): Regression 3: Confidence Intervals, Hypothesis Testing

1 May: Tag der Arbeit

Session 10 (8 May): Interactions: Subgroup Analyses and Diff-in-Diff

Session 11 (15 May): Binary Outcomes

Session 12 (22 May): Regression Discontinuity Designs

29 May: Break for Corpus Christi / Fronleichnam


This syllabus draws heavily on teaching material developed by David Weyrauch, Verena Kunz, Oliver Rittmann, and David Schweizer. Inspiration is also drawn from courses developed by Andrew Heiss, and materials from Josh McCrain and Nick Jenkins.

Robert Kabacoff’s Modern Data Visualization with R is a great book with lots of examples.

Other sources for teaching materials include:

  • Acemoglu, Daron, Simon Johnson, and James A. Robinson. “The colonial origins of comparative development: An empirical investigation.” American Economic Review 91.5 (2001): 1369-1401.

  • Acemoglu, Daron, et al. “Democracy does cause growth.” Journal of Political Economy 127.1 (2019): 47-100.

  • Coppock, Alexander (2021). “Visualize as You Randomize: Design-Based Statistical Graphs for Randomized Experiments” in Advances in Experimental Political Science. Edited by James Druckman and Donald Green. p.320-339.

  • Marshall, Monty and Ted Robert Gurr. Polity IV dataset: Center for Systemic Peace.

  • Teorell, Jan, et al. “The quality of government standard dataset version Jan24” University of Gothenburg: The Quality of Government Institute, (2024).

  • German Longitudinal Election Study (GLES), 2021. GLES Panel 2016-2021, Wellen 1-15. GESIS Datenarchiv, Köln. ZA6838 Datenfile Version 5.0.0,